Matthew Pollino - Triple Seven Jiu Jitsu - Mixed Martial Arts & Fitness Academy absolutely The Parents and Kids at Triple Seven Jiu Jitsu - Mixed Martial Arts & Fitness Academy absolutely LOVE (as do I) the new products (2 Krawlers & 2 10 lb Bumper Plates) we purchased from the Kidstrong Shop!
Matthew Pollino
Owner - Lead Instructor
Christy Lenahan Not sure why I would expect anything less than great from KidStrong, but I was pleased to find that my order exceeded expectations and the items were exactly what we use in class. Thank you to the company for providing high quality equipment that is worth every penny spent.
O.O. Great product! I grabbed several so each of my children have the appropriate weight for their age.
O.O. Added felt to the bottom to protect my tile floors! My three children love to use this! Especially when cold/rainy outside!